Patty Krawec

floral beadwork of a two blossoms on the right,Your donations are the rent you pay - and this is what we're doing with them

Meet the board

Lets get to know the people who steer the Nii'kinaaganaa ship - AKA the Board members! Welcome to
3 min read
Meet the organizers: Medsin Cup and Susan Brown. Your donations are the rent you pay - and this is what we're doing with them

Meeting Medsin Cup and Susan Brown

Welcome to our newsletter! Our aim is to update regular and one-time donors on where their donations are going each
5 min read
Nii'kinaaganaa Foundation

Nii'kinaaganaa Foundation

Nii’kinaaganaa means we are all related, something like that. And we are, but we are not always good relatives
2 min read