Mid year update
It’s been a busy six months! From keeping people housed and fed to supporting events and organizers your money has been saving and changing lives. Thankyou.
Nii’kinaaganaa’s first AGM
Nii’kinaaganaa’s first AGM was held on November 24, 2022. We reviewed our first year of existing as a non profit and the world we are building.
Pride, pickles, and portapotties
Pride, pickles, and portapotties. We’re in the full swing of summer and everything that means about being on the land and developing relationships.
Tipi talks and country food
A feast of country food in Montreal, strawberry harvest on Six Nations, Fashion week, and more. Building new worlds one month at a time.
Growing Together: Mawikuti'k society
After a few stressful weeks, lost grants, frantic fund raising, organizing participants, facilitators and hosts. We were finally on our way to the teaching weekend. We began to make our way through the twisting roads of south-west unama’kik; this name means “land of the fog” in the Lnu language, though it is commonly known now as Cape Breton.