Cultural work at Lac Seul

Outdoor Cultural Education classroom Teacher

This position allows Anishinaabe worldview to be presented in a classroom setting. It is crucial that our young people and youth see and experience from known outdoor, ceremonial, crafting, oral teachers and pass on the knowledge with hands on experience. This way of Life and the original People are still here thriving, using today’s technological advancements and and handling the tools with skills past on from the beginning of time.

From Generation to Generation all activities presented are done so in the highest Honour the knowledge that is being shared comes from our local Ceremonial Elders of the Anishinaabe Territory and surrounding areas, Ceremonial Teachers have and are a continuous outlet for Guidance and Support, it is through this Leadership that I take direction and seek Guidance through Ceremony

Our Future Generations are Learning from Practitioners of minobimadiziiwin (Good Life) who have today shown how important it is for our Future Generations to be Learning from Our Sought out Leaders who have a natural willingness to teach and help our Anishinaabe people work and move in a positive direction in Life for better of all Communities through the insights of Anishinaabe Worldview! Our Anishinaabe Ancestors are Masters of the Natural world it is their Blood that flows through our veins today, We are Masters and We are reconnecting to Our Way! Our way of Life is important!


Supporting Queer Youth in Sioux Lookout


Kids Eat First